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3 D ep en d en t a nd I n d ep en d en t E v e n ts E xe rc is e 4 G 1. W ould these e xperiments contain independen t even ts? Ans wer Y es or No. a. R olling a die 3 times. b. Choosing 10 jelly beans fr om a jar, one at a time, and ea ting them. c. Choosing 5 c ards fr om a s tandar d deck and r emoving them. d. T ossing a c oin 3 times. e. T ossing a c oin and rolling a die. 2. Comple te each sen tence. a. F or multi-s tag e e ven ts, successiv e even ts ar e independen t if selections ar e made _____________ r eplacement. b. F or multi-s tag e e ven ts, successiv e even ts ar e NO T independen t if selections ar e made _____________ r eplacement. 3. A c oin is t ossed twice. Le t be the e ven t ‘the fir st t oss giv es a tail’. Le t be the e ven t ‘the sec ond t oss giv es a tail’. Ar e and independen t e ven ts? Ans wer y es or no. 4. (a) K athr yn t ossed a f air coin and it sho wed heads. Wha t is the pr obability tha t the coin sho ws heads on the ne xt t oss? (b) F elix t ossed heads six times in a r ow . Tha t is the pr obability tha t the next t oss sho ws heads? 5. F or each V enn diagr am below, find and and use y our results t o determine ( ) | ( ) whe ther or not e ven ts and ar e independen t. ( ) ( | ) Independen t or Dependen t a b c 6. (a) Wha t is the pr obability of t ossing heads thr ee times in a row? (b) On the spinner sho wn, what is the pr obability of spinning a 4, thr ee times in a row? (c) Wha t is the pr obability of r olling the number 2 on a die thr ee times in a r ow? (d) A c oin is tossed 5 times. Find the pr obability of ob taining 5 heads.

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