Hello, Please expand the research questions in the “research focus” document based on the “literature review” document. The professor wants 60-85 words as advised in the “final paper requirements” do

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Please expand  the research questions in the “research focus” document based on the “literature review” document. The professor wants 60-85 words as advised in the “final paper requirements” document attached.

Hello, Please expand the research questions in the “research focus” document based on the “literature review” document. The professor wants 60-85 words as advised in the “final paper requirements” do
Literature Review COVID-19 is currently a world health crisis and a global economic threat. Businesses and the industry were forced to shut down across the globe to fight against the spread of the Corona Virus. This mandatory shutdown brought a vast formation of incomparable changes and challenges for employers and employees. One of the leading changes is COVID-19, forcing firms worldwide to conform to and accept remote work. This has led many experts and researchers to research remote work and develop several findings on this subject. According to research conducted by Batik et al. (2020) to examine remote work during COVID-19, the researchers found out that, even though working from home has become an enormous event during this coronavirus crisis, many firms are still not permitting remote working. Their analysis showed that the categorization of suitability for working remotely at the industry level is a significant factor for remote work. Therefore, industries with more educated employees have a higher level of working remotely and its anticipated production loss is lower. On the other hand, hospitality and leisure work or capital-intensive work in factories turns out difficult to perform remotely. According to their research, Tinder & Intel (2020) concluded that companies worldwide have gone through a massive digital transformation utilizing online conferencing software like Go To Meeting, Zoom and Skype to retain the face-to-face interaction aspect of their daily routine. According to the authors, about 63% of companies working remotely have testified that they have seen a significant increase in productivity. This has made some giant companies such as Twitter and Facebook permanently accepted remote working employees. Also, Gallacher & Hossain (2020) also found out in their research on employment and remote work dynamics under the coronavirus that about 41% of Canadian jobs can be done from home, with a significant difference across cities, provinces, and industries. In addition to these findings, the authors’ findings suggested that male workers, poorer employees, private-sector workers, small firm workers, and non-immigrants are usually employed in firms where remote work is less suitable. However, Thompson (2020) also found that remote work harms teamwork productivity since it impedes the bond between employees and creativity. He added that psychological safety was significant for teams, according to Google’s research on teams. According to the researcher, Google’s former engineer confirmed that online interaction is not suitable for psychological safety. In contrast, the DuckDuckGo search engine’s founder claimed that remote work helps employees worldwide remain in their communities and encourages employee diversification. On the other hand, Burell (2020) researched the challenges that the sudden shift to remote work caused by COVID-19 pandemic has brought on businesses. Burell mentioned that one of the main challenges of remote work is the risk of managing cybersecurity. Therefore, as a result, firms are spending vast sums of money to manage this risk. The author also stated that many managers lack the experience and skills to manage their remote teams effectively (Burell, 2020). Furthermore, Beland, Brodeur & Wright (2020) researched the impact of COVID-19 on a few areas. One of the areas the researchers investigated was determining whether COVID-19 has less effect on workers in occupations that can efficiently work from home. Their investigations found out that jobs required to be performed in proximity to others are affected negatively than workers who can efficiently work from home. Concerning COVID-19 and remote work, Ozimek (2020) also embarked on research investigating the future of remote work after the COVID-19 crisis. He wanted to know whether managers will still allow remote work after the pandemic or not. After the investigation, the researcher found that most hiring managers have planned to allow 21.8% of their workforce to work remotely after the COVID-19 crisis entirely. According to a study by the American College of Occupational and Environment Medicine on occupational challenges and work productivity in remote work, they found a decrease in productivity due to physical and psychological disturbances. Also, they mentioned some of the challenges remote workers face are cybersecurity, decreased motivation and increased stressed, additional costs of internet and electricity, and little communication with managers and colleagues (Abigail et al., 2020). Another research was also conducted by DeFilippis et al. (2020) on the impact of communication on remote work and the nature of work. It was ascertained that employees working remotely have now changed their communication activities significantly. They have increased the number of emails they sent, and the number of meetings attended. Not only that, but the researchers also found out that there was an increase in the number of attendees per meeting and the number of email recipients per email on average. Meaning, remote workers have widen both the scope and the frequency of their communications. Furthermore, Angelucci et al. (2020) conducted a study to investigate the coronavirus’s impact on respiratory health and employment for non-remote workers and remote workers in the U.S.A. Their study found out that the job losses for non-remote workers were three times higher than remote workers in this pandemic era. Additionally, non-remote workers suffered comparably worse respiratory health than remote workers due to the difficultness’ for non-remote workers to protect themselves.
Hello, Please expand the research questions in the “research focus” document based on the “literature review” document. The professor wants 60-85 words as advised in the “final paper requirements” do
CHANGE MANAGEMENT 5 Change Management Research Focus Change is inevitable, and organizations that want to achieve significant growth and development must be flexible to change. Change management refers to all approaches to support, prepare, and help teams, individuals, and organizations implement organizational change. Without change management, an organization can implement any changes as they eventually get rejected in the long run (Will, 2019). Many organizations are striving to change their strategies during this period of Covid-19. The measures put in place to combat the illness have forced many organizations to change to remain competitive. Furthermore, almost every organization has been forced to change its market strategies to remain competitive during this period of the Covid-19 pandemic (Guleria, 2020). Change management plays a fundamental role in every organization that wants to adjust its strategies or implement new industry trends. Organizations should effectively manage their change during this period of Covid-19 to remain competitive and operational. Change management is required for ideas to succeed. Almost every organization utilizes change methodologies to facilitate the success of their ideas. Change managers work with project managers to ensure that staff fully exploits the new capabilities. Organizations are currently coming up with innovative ideas to enhance their operations while still stating safe from Covid-19. It is only through change management that such an organization can achieve its intended transitions (Guleria, 2020). Change management keeps people engaged with the change process. People affected by a change initiative have to be involved accordingly to make it successful. The staff has to be involved in the change process, making it a requirement for earlier communications. Such communications cannot be realized without effective change management. Technological trends have made it easier to change direction, as it is easy to keep all stakeholders on the same page (Quiros, 2014). Change can be implemented even in the current period of Covid-19 when there are restrictions of movement and meetings. Digital communication has made it easier to link with others and deliver the right information at the right time and the right place. Change management prepares an organization for a transition. Change managers aim to make the organizational change process to run smoothly. Change managers have been using management models to restructure jobs, implement new technologies, and restructure business processes during this age of Corona Virus (Guleria, 2020). Change managers have to ensure that all workers are assigned roles and responsibilities concerning their talents and specialization area. The move ensures that every employee is satisfied with their roles and is actively engaged in the change process. Change management reduces resistance to a change initiative. Cases of resistance to change are common in every change initiative. Many employees find it hard to settle and work in new different ways. Therefore, they are more likely to resist a change initiative as they are not ready to learn and start their jobs in a new way (Brisson‐Banks, 2010). It ensures that employees are provided with the necessary training, education, and resources to work under the latest systems and processes. In the Corona Virus age, organizations have been forced to change the way they conduct their operations. Some employees have found this to be very challenging, and only through change management that this issue has been resolved. Key Research Questions How has change management enabled organizations to remain operational and competitive in the period of the Covid-19 pandemic? How has change management influenced remote working during the Covid-19 pandemic? What considerations do organizations have to take in managing change during the period of Covid-19? References Brisson‐Banks, C. (2010). Managing change and transitions: a comparison of different models and their commonalities. Library Management, 31(4/5), 241-252. https://www.researchgate.net/publication/238324860_Managing_change_and_transitions _A_comparison_of_different_models_and_their_commonalities Guleria, R. (2020). The Need to Change and the Necessity to Evolve During the COVID-19 Pandemic. Neurology India, 68(4), 726. https://doi.org/10.4103/0028-3886.293450 Quiros, E. (2014). Leading people through change. Strategic Finance, 96(5), 15-16. Will, M. (2015). Successful organizational change through win-win. Journal Of Accounting & Organizational Change, 11(2), 193-214. https://doi.org/10.1108/jaoc-06-2013-0056
Hello, Please expand the research questions in the “research focus” document based on the “literature review” document. The professor wants 60-85 words as advised in the “final paper requirements” do
1 Directions for Final Team Paper Change Mgt 643 Fall 2020 Dr. Sopow , professor Syallab i instructions: Identify a major change through teamwork that is forced by the pandemic and analyze this change and its future by applying what you have learned in this course. 2,500 to 3,000 words 20% total Due Wednesday December 16, 2345 hrs. submitted to Turnitin by ONE member of your team ONLY. First thing: Complete a Team Charter . This is MANDATORY and affects your grade . You can click on the link below. This must be emailed to Professor Sopow by NOVEMBER 25 . UCW Team Charter Content and format of your team paper Technical details a) Use Times New Roman 12 point type b) Double space the presentation c) Charts, tables, graphs, must be presented within the body of the paper and NOT be include d as an appendix d) Application of APA is mandatory (no “n.d. ” inclusions) e) Spe lling, grammar, and punctuation must be overall 95% accurate f) Page number on all pages but cover page Cover page a) Name of project b) Date c) Name of course d) Name of professor e) Name of Group/Team f) Name of students participating in the paper with associated students numbers Table of contents Do not draw or insert a “box ” around the table of contents 2 Sections 1. Summary of findings (also called an ab stract in academia ). Maximum 250 words . 2. Research focus : 500 words Describe in about 500 words ( +/ – 30 words) what the paper ’s topic is, why you selected the topic and its importance to understanding change during the current pandemic. 3. Key research questions : 60 -85 words (At least three , about two -three lines each ). A research question i s a key area of exploration and investigation a bout the topic you have chose n. You r literature review, applied research, results and conclusions will serve to answer the questions. 4. Literature and research review (secondary research) : 500 -700 words a) Present a comprehensive review of at least 10 sources of existing research and available data related to your research focu s. A literature review is N OT an an alysis of the topics but a precise summary of what credible facts and data are available that gives you enough evidence to form conclusions and inform your abilit y to answer your research questions . b) Your research MUST involve empirical sources such as academic journals. Accep table are data, information, and statistics from cr edible specialize d publications and web sites such as The Economist, Harvard Business Review, the Atlantic magazine , Statistica, and any sources provided throug h the UCW on -line library . c) A literature review MUST be well reference d according to APA standards within the body of the paper as well as listed in a more fulsome manner, a ccording to APA, in the paper ’s References pa ges . 5. Analysis of findings : 750 words not including insert ion of table, graphs, charts a) In this section you must assess t he findings from your literature and research review and apply your analytical skills as to how that information help s you answer your research questi ons . b) You will apply “critical thinking ” skills by questioning the veracity of the rese arch finding, by identifying patterns to the individual findings, and especially discovering linkages and connections between what you have found. c) In analyzing your research findings you MUST apply several learning points from the Change Management course. For example : analy zing your result through the lens of different change management models ; through your understa nding of the interconnection of external and internal environmental factors; through your understanding of teamwork, conflict resolution, and communication . 3 6. Conclusion : (500 – 700 wor ds) This is an important area of your paper . a) What are the key findings from your research and analysis? b) How h as your research and analysis answered your initial research questions? c) What contribution to change management within the context of the current pandemic has this paper provided? d) What unique findings about change management has your paper discovered ? Thank you , Dr. Sopow

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