Marketing and Strategy (My chosen company is Starbucks)

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  • Please stay within the page number limits. The page number limit refers to the body of the paper. Title page, abstract and references do not count towards this. It should be 8-10 pages in length and follow all APA formatting requirements.
  • Use the rubric elements as headers to guide your paper. Papers that require me to hunt and peck for these items will be returned ungraded.
  • Your paper should also include a cover sheet, short abstract, and references formatted per APA.

INCLUDE AN INTRO PARAGRAPH briefly describing your business or idea

Please note that university policy does not allow for previously submitted work to be used unless prior approval is given by the instructor. That being said, a good rule of thumb is to shoot for less than 20% in SafeAssign. You CAN use previous research but provide original language when conveying and applying this in your papers. Higher SafeAssign scores due to identical cover pages and reference pages “do not count” and will be taken into realistic consideration.

My chosen company is Starbucks.

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